12 Mei 2009

Online Business Opportunities

There are many online business opportunities for you to try if you want to work from home. Over the years, the Internet has become a valuable tool for consumers and those looking for information. Depending on your interests, skills, and knowledge of online sales, you can start a business selling one product or service, or many products and services. Most online businesses are also very cost effective. All you need is a computer with Internet connection, website, and shipping supplies if sending products to consumer’s homes or offices.

When you first start your business, you will need to learn about the many ways to market your product or service. While building a website is a great place to start, because there are millions of sites online, you need to find ways to stand out and draw visitors to your site. Advertising online is the best way to do so. Building a customer list is another way to reach people. By sending periodic email reminding people that your products and services are available, you will increase sales and build a solid customer base. This will help you build a good reputation online as well.

If you are new to online sales, there are many books, guides, and other items you can read in order to learn more. Keep in mind that many successful online business owners do not have pay much to advertise their websites. They rely on customer email lists, creating blogs, submitting articles to databases, writing press releases, and answering questions on open forum sites. Print advertising is also important – so be sure to take an ad out in local newspapers, magazines, and other periodicals. Include your web address and contact info and watch your sales increase.

Another way to bring in business is to attend conferences, social gatherings, trade shows, and networking functions. Not only will you be able to meet potential customers, you will also meet other online business owners. This can help you increase your exposure because you may be able to swap links and advertise on each other’s sites. While you can always pay to advertise on search engine result pages, as you can see, there are many ways to save money and still get your business out there.

As you learn more about online business, you may decide that one business is not enough. Some online business owner’s run two or three online businesses if they have the time. Depending on your financial goals, you may need to start one or more businesses. Many times, these businesses are similar in nature and rely on the same marketing strategies. When running more than one business, it is important to keep things as simple as possible. Make sure you create simple websites, sell products digitally if possible to avoid having to physically ships products each day, and maintain separate files so you can offer quality customer service, maintain accurate earnings records, and manage your businesses easily. Once you become an online business owner, you will wonder why you didn’t start much sooner.

Written by Philip Harman Have been working online since 1997, and lives in the state of the fantastic Colorado Rocky Mountains. P HARMAN D.S.D. Inc. Gift Shopping Catalog http://videos4you.com and http://philipharman.com "Some Posts Are Also Powered by Yahoo! Answers"


*Khairil Anwar

Kalau sampai waktuku 'Ku mau tak seorang kan merayu
Tidak juga kau

Tak perlu sedu sedan itu
Aku ini binatang jalang
Dari kumpulannya terbuang

Biar peluru menembus kulitku Aku tetap meradang menerjang

Luka dan bisa kubawa berlari
Berlari Hingga hilang pedih peri

Dan aku akan lebih tidak perduli

Aku mau hidup seribu tahun lagi

How to Make Money Blogging: 7 Strategies to Help you Get Started Immediately

You can make money from blogging. It can pay for your bills. It does work for everyone. There’s no secret and you’ll just really need to know how to get started and which blogging framework to follow.

It’s not a difficult process at all and this post will provide 7 distinct methods you can use to generate substantial income from blogging. These seven methods are strategies you can adopt right from the beginning, preferably before you set up your first blog.

You can think of them as guidelines which point out the different options you have, if you’re serious about using blogging as a method of making money online.

1. The “Flagship” or Big Blog Route
This is simultaneously the most profitable and most time-consuming blog venture. The flagship method directs all your focus on a few blogs in order to make them incredibly popular in their niche. Flagship blogs should have a large audience as well as high daily visitor traffic numbers.

These type of big blogs have a wide variety of monetization options with direct advertising sales being a big part of it. Know that not everyone can successfully create a big blog so attempt this route only if you absolutely believe that you have the networking skills, niche knowledge and marketing know-how that’s needed.

2. The “Pay per Post” or Get Paid to Blog Route
This is rather simple. Set up multiple niche blogs on either your own domains or free blog hosts like Blogger. Maintain them over a period of time and focus on writing content and building up their Google PageRank, link profile and Alexa Rank.

Submit all of your blogs to multiple get paid to blog websites like Blogitive, Blogsvertise, Review Me, Sponsored Reviews, PayperPost, LoudLaunch and then start writing sponsored posts. I highly recommending using PayperPost as they simply have the largest amount of paid offers available.

3. The Automated Blogging or Splog Route
Automated blogging involves the setting up of blogs which automatically pull content from RSS feeds, search engines and news sources to serve as content on your website.

Some bloggers set this to pull partial excerpts of RSS feeds, which does go against some copyrights and one can choose to only include excerpts with a link back to the site in question. Monetization for automated sites is usually done through contextual ads like Google Adsense or affiliate programs.

4. The Text Link Selling Blog Route
The main bulk of your income through this method comes from selling text links to various webmasters and businesses who want to improve their site ranking in Google. While text link selling works for the flagship or other blog models as well, sites can be primarily built for text link sales as well.

The overwhelming emphasis here is on Google PageRank and niche relevancy so you’ll need to focus on these two factors. You can either convert a domain into a text link and sponsored post selling blog or you can purchase a domain with existing PageRank to sell text links for a quick buck. I suggest looking for link buyers directly through webmaster forums.

5. The Made-for-Adsense or Made-for-Affiliate-Program Route
This involves setting up a blog around a specific topic with moderately high priced keywords (e.g. teeth whitening, car loans). You’ll only need to create around 25 keyword rich articles on the topic, optimize it for search, set up Adsense or affiliate programs and then leave them alone.

The main emphasis is on building links to the specific webpages, according to the long tail keywords you want to target. Search engine visitors will then find your blog and either click on the ads or convert on a product.

6. The Blog Network or Contract Blogging Route
This involves joining a blog network and getting paid to maintain and create content for blogs. You’ll get paid according to the amount of pageviews, possibly receive a token base fee in the hundreds or a share of the blog’s ad revenue.

7. The Blog-as-Marketing or Branding Route
This method will only apply if you own an online business or provide a freelance service like web design, copy writing or marketing consultation. A blog can be used to help promote your personal or business brand and attract more customers.

This is an indirect method of making money. Ideally, this sort of a blog shouldn’t be plastered with ads or paid reviews because it can tarnish the image of the brand. (www.doshdosh.com)

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